Viktor Bologan Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol 1 英文正式版(視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
Really, among the open games the only opening with which
White can really fight for an advantage in the long term is
the Ruy Lopez. But in order to make this serious effort, he
has buckle down and learn a whole series of sub-variations.
That is what the professionals do, including of course
Viktor Bologan, who now reveals the secrets of his own
grandmaster repertoire. In the first part the top Moldovan
player deals with systems in which Black avoids the main
continuation 3...a6 on his third move. These include exotic
lines such as 3...Nd4, 3...Nge7, 3...g6 and 3...Bc5, which
should however not be under-estimated. In 3...f5 (the
Schliemann Defence) he examines a system which has even
found its way into the repertoire of many a top player. But
the most important variation starts with 3...Nf6 and in its
main move order leads to the Berlin Wall. Nowadays, anyone
who plays the Ruy Lopez must know above all what he is going
to play against this modern defence. Video running time: 4
hours 42 min.
Viktor Bologan Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol 3 英文正式版(視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
Viktor Bologan Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol.3 英文正式版(視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
Viktor Bologan Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol.1 英文正式版(視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
Sam Collins Know the Terrain Vol 3 Central Majority 英文正式版(國際象棋教程軟體)(DVD版)
Sam Collins Know the Terrain Vol 2 The Capablanca Structure 英文正式版(國際象棋教程軟體)(DVD版)
Andrew Martin The ABC of the Classical Dutch 英文正式版(視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)